Based on feedback from our users, we've made some adjustments to the Dashboard and Email Notifications for the Intello Adviser Portal.
The new dashboard and notifications will be live from 1 July 2020.
Adviser Portal Dashboard
The key change we've made is to categorise the outstanding Tasks into two key areas:
Outstanding Annual Accounts Tasks
All Outstanding Tasks Split by Due Date
Outstanding Annual Accounts Tasks
The top left hand panel now only contains a summary of open Tasks for Annual Accounts Jobs - i.e. the Tasks that require action to enable the Intello team to complete the annual accounts, tax return and independent audit for the relevant SMSF.
Users have the ability to toggle between:
"My" Tasks and "All" Tasks to see either a list of clients with outstanding Tasks assigned to that user specifically (My) or all users within the business (All)
"Prior" Tasks and "Current" Tasks provides the ability to toggle between Tasks relating to the current year (starting with the 2021 financial year as this feature will be active from 1 July 2020) and the prior financial years - i.e. 2020 and earlier years.
This change enables users to quickly see what clients have outstanding items requiring attention, and to prioritise prior year items over current year items where necessary.
By clicking one the Job or Client name you are taken to directly into the respective Job and the associated Tasks that have action required.
Tasks by Due Date.
The second panel added to the Dashboard is Panel where all open Tasks are split by client and due date.
Tasks are split up as follows:
Overdue (Due Date has passed)
Due in 0-30 days
Due in 31-60 days
Due in 61-90 days
Due in 91+ days
The table showing Outstanding Tasks in the panel can be ordered by Entity Name or any of the above date categories.
The advantage of summarising open Tasks by impending due date is that it visually shows an upcoming pipeline of items that will require attention so focus can be given to the most time critical client related Tasks on the Adviser Portal.
By clicking on the relevant Entity Name (Client) you are taken to the Active Tasks page for that client where you can see any items requiring action (across multiple Jobs).