Where Intello debits your clients nominated SMSF or portfolio bank account there are no additional fees.
Where Intello debits your bank account for your clients SMSF or portfolio admin fees there are no additional fees.
For the payment of Intello's fees via credit card, the following additional fees apply:
Visa & Mastercard - 1.25% + GST (1.375%)
Amex - 1.75% + GST (1.925%)
For example, if the monthly fee is $3,750 (e.g. 30 SMSFs @ $125/m each), the applicable additional fees would be:
Visa & MasterCard - $51.56 (1.375% x $3,750)
Amex - $72.19 (1.925% x $3,750)
To update you payment details, please login to the Adviser Portal and under Settings select 'Payment Information'.ย
More Information in this article: How To Update Your Payment Details