SelfWealth like many fintech providers leverage OpenMarkets to execute its trades. In addition, Selfwealth uses ANZ to provide a cash account (SelfWealth Cash Account BSB: 013-901)ย
We can obtain a brokerage data feed for SMSF and non-SMSF clients into Class Super for SelfWealth via OpenMarkets.
The OpenMarkets feed has been updated (June 2020) to also pull through both account balances and transactions from the linked ANZ cash account.
To activate a data feed for a SelfWealth account, the OpenMarkets Account Number must be provided.
For SelfWealth clients, the OpenMarkets Account Number is refer to as an 'OpenMarkets ID' and is located on the same page as the cash account details, which you can navigate to here:
Log in > Trading Account (left-hand-side menu) > Cash Account
It will be located at the top of the page. Please also make note of and provide the following details of the account through to us:
OpenMarkets ID
Bank Account Number and BSB
Authority Process - Account Holder
Download the authority form
Print the authority forms and arrange for your client to complete and sign the forms.
Send a copy of the signed forms to admin@intello.com.au or upload them via the Intello Portal
About this Feed
The feed should be activated within 5-10 business days
This feed does not support historical transactions
This feed provides daily transactional and holding data for equities and options
Cash transactions and balance data is typically delayed 2-3 business days
Electronic signatures are accepted