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Transferring SMSFs from BGL Desktop to Class
Transferring SMSFs from BGL Desktop to Class

When you engage Intello for ongoing SMSF administration work we will convert BGL Desktop files to Class Super at no additional cost.

Intello Robot avatar
Written by Intello Robot
Updated over a week ago

Files we need

To convert funds we will require the following data files from BGL Desktop:

Community Files:

  • office.nx1

  • people.nx1

These files are generally located in either:


  • bankaccounts.nx1

This file is generally located here:


Fund Specific Files:

In addition to the above files, we also require the Simple Fund Backup / Export (.ZIP) files for each fund we are transitioning.

To export the ZIP file at an individual fund level, follow these steps:

  • Make sure you are in the correct fund

  • From the Ribbon Toolbar, go to Data In/Out | Fund In/Out.  

  • Click on the Fund Out tab. The Filename will be the same as the Fund Code.

  • Click  to select a location for the exported file. The default location is the SFUND/DATAIN folder. 

: Tick Export database files only if you do not wish to export reports, PDFs, ELS and other attached documents.

  • Click Export Fund. Simple Fund will create a file with the Fund Code as the filename to the location you have selected in Step 3. Once the file has been exported, you will get the following message:Warning: If the fund out process freezes, ensure you have rights to write to the folder you are exporting the file.

  • You can then click OK

Providing Intello with Files

Typically the BGL files would be provided to Intello via the Transfer SMSF form under Online Forms on our Adviser Portal

Alternatively the BGL Zip file and other files can be securely provided via our Upload Documents form on our website:

If there is a large number of funds and documents being transitioned please email and we can arrange access to a secure upload folder to drag and drop files into.

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