The data feed for Australian Money Market (AMM) is at an adviser level meaning it is activated once and applies to all clients under the advisers code.
For Intello to receive data from AMM we also need to be provide with the Facility ID for any clients we administer.
Please note that each advice business may have multiple Broker Codes (Adviser Codes) so this process may need to be followed multiple times.
Authority Process - Adviser
Login to moneymarket.com.au and navigate to Broker Codes to obtain the relevant code(s)
2. While still on the AMM website, navigate to Accounts and obtain / confirm the Facility ID(s) for the relevant client accounts
3. Send both the Facility ID(s) and the Broker Code(s) to us via email admin@intello.com.au (or via our Adviser Portal)
4. Send the following email to AMM:
Email to: admin@moneymarket.com.au
Subject: Class Data Feed Activation
Dear AMM,
Can you please provide a data feed to the Class Super activating all the following advisers' accounts:
Adviser Name:
Adviser Code:
AMM will action the request.
About this Feed
The feed should be activated within 5-10 business days
The feed supports historical transactions automatically
The feed provides daily transactional and balance data
This feed does not provide data and balances for the linked cash accounts (DDH Graham, Macquarie CMA etc) - the feeds for these accounts need to be activiated separately
For SMSF audit purposes the annual Tax Pack reports will still need to be generated and sent to us at the end of the financial year.